Friday, February 24, 2012

Sorry it almost feels like forever since I've last typed on this blog. About two weeks now! YIKES! Update on the weight loss...I've gained! Since the start of this (Beginning with WW I've lost a total of 10lbs but gained 6lbs back!!!!) I know right? I kind of hit rock bottom. But after this pass weekend. I got to go to NC to visit a dear friend of mine. God just totally blessed me and it was amazing!!! God worked in so many different ways and I can't give Him enough glory for that! Seriously! So, I am restarting the C25K. And you are probably like wait didn't you complete it and I did, but now since we are members of a gym I really want to increase my speed so with that I am going to try to increase my endurance by starting out slow and than I'll be moving on to the Bridge to 10k. I'm pretty excited!!!

So, that's the latest and greatest with what is going on at this end. I'm still trying to eat healthier and exercising more. I'm just trying to be the best me that I can be. Thanks all!

1 comment:

  1. Hey babe...time for you to update!! Thanks for the encouragement!!! Love you and miss you!
