Sunday, January 15, 2012

No Excuses

I've been running for about 6 weeks now. I am about to head into week 7 which leaves me with one more week left until I am done with C25K. I've already purchased the app to Bridge to 10K which is a 6 week program to run 6.2 miles. I am stoked! Through this journey so far i've learned that you can't make excuses. If you want something bad enough you will do it. I want to lose weight and I want to be a runner. I find great joy in it. It helps me clear my mind. The battle is within. I've always had such a horrible body image. . One day though.  want to change that. I want to look in the mirror and know that nothing can stop me. That I can do anything (only with God's strength.) I know that I can. It's definitely been quite a 6 weeks as I've learned that conditions can't stop me and that I'm the only person who will make me run. I don't expect to be a Olympic Gold Medalist or anything like that, but small goals work best and one day I can proudly run a 26.2. My goals for this year. 

  • Lose 20lbs by June
  • Run a 5K in July
  • Run a 1/2 Marathon in Dec.
  • Lose a total of 50lbs by Dec.

I know that I can. It's about believing. It's about pushing yourself. It's about just grabbing it by the horns and doing it. Nobody can stop you but yourself. 

Thank you all for your encouragement, your prayers, and just reading this blog. I am so inspired by all that go out there and just do it. Thank you Lord for everything. Until Friday....MAHALO!!!


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