Monday, January 2, 2012

The thrill of obeying God in an audacious, culture, defying, seemingly irresponsible way. (Thanks Pastor Nick)

This past Sunday a very clear messaged was presented at church. Pastor Nick was preaching about his New Year's Resolutions for us. He made a valid point of saying he really wanted God to challenge us throughout this year. I was so blessed by this message just because today I was given the opportunity to take a job or not. The past few months I've been worried about finances and we are fine on one income compare to most. And I feel the Lord just saying "Trust me." He's going to provide in a mighty way. Society tells me to accept this job. Society tells me to store away things first, but that's exactly the opposite of what God wants me to do. The biblical pattern as Pastor Nick was preaching is Give, Save, Live. I've been so focused on my own happiness and haven't even stopped to realize what does God want me to do with the blessings He has given me? How can I give back?  

I love Compassion Ministries. This program helps needy families throughout the world. Chris and I have chosen to sponsor a family from Thailand. It only made sense because of my mom being from there it just was fitting. People are probably going to read this and this I'm so crazy, but oh well. Crazy I am. I'm letting God move in me in a mighty way. Through my workouts, through my weight loss, through everything. In everything I want to give Him the glory because it is His strength, His wisdom, His being that allows me to do the things here on this earth. I can't do them on my own. I'm going to need Him. I pray that each of you who reads this takes a moment to count the blessings you have. Look around and realize there is so much more than earthly things. There is a hope that can help you through the day. Even when the rain falls which it does, know you are not alone. That's amazing to think about.

Tomorrow is Week 5 Day 1 of C25K. Here we go....


  1. Amanda you are so inspiring! Today is my day one of gym time and I too have the same goals as you to get fit and be healthy so that I can set a good example for my children. Although I may not be a "Jesus Freak" as you claim to be, this post has been very motivating to me. Thank you, and know that your efforts are not going unnoticed, in fact you are already helping others :)

  2. Thanks Nicole! God has been a great source of motivation for me. Good luck with your will totally rock it!

  3. Seriously so proud of you. Society absolutely looks down on women who with the encouragement of their husbands stay at home and are homemakers, sahm's, etc. You are inspiring me hon!!!
