Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Runner's Pace/Praise

Is it normal not to have a title to a post? I feel I have a bit of a writer's block. I really don't know what to post today besides how my run went yesterday.

On a praiseworthy note...Thank you, Jesus! I FOUND A PACE! It felt great last night. I ran 2.28 miles and yes, my run time went up about 30 seconds more, but right now my main focus is to be able to run the whole 3 miles without stopping. If you aren't familiar with C25K it's a program that gradually gets you to run 3 miles in or within 30 minutes. My running intervals this week include this

Day 2 Week 5
*5 minutes walking warm-up
* Run 6 minutes
*Walk 1 minute
*Run 4 minutes
*Walk 1 minute
*Run 6 minutes
*5 minutes walking cool-down

And lucky for me I start this tomorrow. Tonight is a 15 minute ab workout. I've been researching online and most websites including runner's world say having a strong core helps with running. So, I have downloaded the Nike App that targets certain areas for 15 minutes. I'm pretty stoked.

I am still going strong with Weight Watchers. I do my weigh in this Friday. Please continue to pray for strength in each of these areas for me. I want to be sure to give God all the glory because without His wisdom, strength, encouragement this weight-loss and running will be harder than it already is.

 I am completely thankful for all of you who take the time to read this and comment when you can. I know even when you don't comment or get a chance to read this that you are praying for me and it means the world to me. Thank you! 

I pray that this week finds you all well and that whatever goal you set out to do that you believe that you can accomplish it and I pray that God's word encourages you all. God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you!!! Keep it going! I love WW's and know you'll see great results with them and with you working out, you're going to be a hot-hot momma!!! Love you girl!
