Friday, January 6, 2012

The Weigh-in Results

I am pleased to announce that I lost 3.4 lbs. Praise the Lord! Seriously. I didn't expect to have lose that much this week. I'm just so utterly thankful for the encouragement, the strength, the wisdom and continue guidance that He is given me. And of course all of you who read this! Thanks for the prayers!

Today as I was driving home I realized that transitions in anyone's life is hard to comprehend. I think the fear of the unknown is a scary thing. I know often times especially on this journey I doubt myself whether or not I will keep working out or keep tracking my points on WW (Weight Watchers). But than God so graciously reminds me that I can't do it on my own...I'm going to need Him. Through everything in the past 3 years I've definitely overcome a lot dealing with being brand new to the Army world, to a husband who deployed for a year, to living in a different country. I've learned that things are just temporary. Nothing stays the same as much as sometimes we wish it could or we didn't. Life moves on whether we like it or not. It all depends on how we want to deal with it. Some take it and embrace life to the fullest, others stick to the past and long for something better. Either way at the end of the day; we all have to face whatever choices we've made. I guess my encouragement to everyone and myself included is that life goes on. Don't sweat the small stuff, love with all your heart even if it means  you will someday be hurt, and never ever give up, embrace this life that we have. Remember, things are temporary...

So, this transition  reminds me that no matter what obstacles I face on it; I can either push through it or sit back and let it past me. I'm choosing to push through. And I like it...

Prayers to you all today and always. I pray that God's overwhelming peace surrounds you and that whatever you may be facing today that you realize you don't have to do it on your own...Give it all to Him. He'll carry you through it. Blessings to  you all! Mahalo!


  1. WTG on the weight loss!! Beautiful post! Love you

  2. Great job! that is awesome on the weight loss! Keep it up girl!

  3. Thanks girls! I totally appreciate the support!
