Friday, February 24, 2012

Sorry it almost feels like forever since I've last typed on this blog. About two weeks now! YIKES! Update on the weight loss...I've gained! Since the start of this (Beginning with WW I've lost a total of 10lbs but gained 6lbs back!!!!) I know right? I kind of hit rock bottom. But after this pass weekend. I got to go to NC to visit a dear friend of mine. God just totally blessed me and it was amazing!!! God worked in so many different ways and I can't give Him enough glory for that! Seriously! So, I am restarting the C25K. And you are probably like wait didn't you complete it and I did, but now since we are members of a gym I really want to increase my speed so with that I am going to try to increase my endurance by starting out slow and than I'll be moving on to the Bridge to 10k. I'm pretty excited!!!

So, that's the latest and greatest with what is going on at this end. I'm still trying to eat healthier and exercising more. I'm just trying to be the best me that I can be. Thanks all!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Dedication...Motivation...SAY WHAT?!

I have no idea where to even begin. This week SUCKED! I'm such a I seriously need to say no to some things. This week I CHOPPED ALL MY HAIR OFF. It was my goal weight to myself. - ~10lbs. I'm so thrilled. Plus completed the C25K program. Now all I have left is running 3 30 minute runs and that's it. I am a runner now. 

Weigh-in was okay. Since my little monthly friend I gained about 1.6lbs back. YIKES! So, now it's time to get back in the groove and really hit the streets harder than ever. I have a goal I want to reach by the beginning of June. I want to drop at least 20lbs by then. If I lose a ONE pound a week up until June 1 it should lead me at -22lbs gone! But my journey doesn't stop there. I'm still training for that 1/2 marathon. I'm still wanting arms of steel and a butt that can bust some walnuts! Maybe not a butt like that but a booty that is lifted and doesn't have saggy saddles. I just want to be healthy looking. 

God has really tested me this week. Dedication and motivation are probably the two things that I REALLY suck at. It's my biggest flaws. I've given up on a lot of things and especially with this cloud of depression/anxiety hoovering over me I feel sometimes I should just give up. But I'm going to keep pressing on. Because I can see the blessing that He is about to give me. So, I'm going through the storm. After all I've got a mighty Savior who is carrying me through and all of you who root me on and love on me. So thank you! 

I'm so proud of those of you who are overcoming some of life's difficulties. Whether it be the emotional battle we sometimes face through your weight loss goal I'm so proud of all of you. I'm praying for all of you on your journey. Whether it's finding healing or overcoming fears. I'm praying that the Lord loves on you and encourages your heart to keep going. Many blessings to you all! 

Love to you all!~

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Battle Within

I'm giving God the glory today because this past Sunday I've completed something I thought I would never be able to complete. I've finished the C25K program. I've got three 30 minute runs to do to build endurance and improve my time, but all in all I've completed it! I am a runner. 

Through those mind-bogging 8 weeks I thought for sure I would never even come close to 3 miles. How can I possibly run a full 30 minutes? How can I do it? During that time-frame I feel personally God was purging my heart, pruning me, and dealing with me in general. Your mind is a powerful thing, but it also can be your worst enemy. Often times during my runs waves of doubt would creep up telling me to stop running, telling me I'm not worth it, why am I even trying, etc. etc. But every time I just wanted to stop or give up the Lord would whisper "You've got this baby girl! I'm here running right next to you...just a little bit further. Did I tell you how proud I am that you are doing this? I am so proud of you." Simple words. Simple encouragement, and I know some of you are probably thinking...YOU'RE CRAZY! God said THAT to you...Yes, yes HE DID! And what did I do...I kept going. Even when the cramps on my sides hurt, even when my legs wanted to give out, even when the rain was coming down, I ran my heart out. Through the tears, the pain, I ran. 

I mentioned in my previous post how much running was very therapeutic for me. It has allowed me to really take things captive and return them to Christ and what His promise is. And believe me I have felt the wave of pain and in true fashion the enemy doesn't just tease you, he takes it to a different level each time. Running has allowed me to get out of the house when I so badly just want to curl up in my bed and not leave. Running has been for me all about what Christ can do. There have been days probably weeks that I just don't feel like it...last week was such an off, overwhelming, week of hell for me. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically. I was constantly on the go and not knowing how to balance it all I completely just lost it. I was in fetal position crying and just bawling. Screaming silently and just praying for it all to just stop. I realized I had hit a very dark place. If any of you don't know I'm struggling. Spiritually, emotionally, mentally...I'm struggling. I've been in pray about this and there have been days that I don't even know what to pray about but scream at God. LOL. I know right...God of all creation and I'm screaming at Him. But He listens and He comforts me in the most amazing way. Showing me grace after grace. His love and mercy just surrounds me and when I'm feeling useless or unworthy, He gently reminds me that I am His inheritance...(Psalm 16:6) "The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, indeed I have a beautiful inheritance." Every time I think of the fact that this huge, sacred, scary, mighty, mind-bogging, creator of all things, God loves me in a way that words can't describe I can't help but cry and fall to my knees. I've been a Christian since 2007. I don't consider myself a mature Christian or a beginner Christian...I'm just a Christian who wants to know more about Him. I have such a hard time sometimes grasping why He loves me this much. I know silly for someone who has been following Christ for a little while, but I still every time think of Him in that way I tear up because I honestly don't think I am worthy of that kind of love, but He thinks so differently of me. 

I know God's promise for me. And this year and it's just really the beginning right now, I'm seeing Him really work on me. As a bible study I am taking Beth Moore says "He's building those spiritual muscles so when you go into battle claiming what the enemy has taken from you, you won't let it go so easily. He's building you up preparing you." Whatever that blessing is at the end, whether it be for our children that we don't have yet, I'm thankful. I want to be strong for my kids one day. I want them to know who Christ is and how much He dearly loves them. I want them to honor Him in a mighty way, and I want them to spread that same love to others. Most importantly I just want them to know Him. If anything that they gain from us is that they know the Christ that I know. He's overwhelming, powerful, mighty, love is all that they need. So what I have to say is to the battle...bring it...enemy watch out. I'm a fiesty girl who won't go down without a fight, but I've got someone on my side who sure can do a number on watch out because I'm claiming that blessing that you have stolen. So in your face!

Love to you all!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Walk on the Water

As much as this is a journal for my weight loss I'm a strong believer that all things tie together. Your mental, physical, emotional, spiritual state all need to balance. Where one goes hay-wired all will go hay-wired eventually. Give it time and it will. Lately as I've mentioned before have decided to really get myself looked at. Blood work and all that jazz that goes with trying to make sure my numbers are right as Dr. Oz would say. 

Since I can remember, I've always been such an anxious person. I think throughout the years it's hard for people to really see "me". They see the happy, go lucky person. The bubbly one. The one that seems to hold it all so well. The one with the smile on her face all the time, but honestly, if you take a deeper look I'm cracking. Running has been so therapeutic for me. I've been told throughout my life that I can't accomplish anything. That it's not worth going out for because I just don't have that motivation, that dedication like the other kids have. So, becomes a pattern of giving up on things because they gotten hard. What is surprises me the most and I believe this is where the Divine Intervention plays is that the strength from the Big Guy upstairs has allowed me to follow through on the program so far. It allows me to feel free. Especially since I've been struggling mentally lately. Thus, explains the Dr.'s appt. 

My heart has been so heavy lately. I have my good days and my bad days. There have been more bad days than anything. Days when I don't want to get out of bed or go out to socialize with anyone. But you've got to love God and how He works. Forcing me most days to get out. I'm so glad I have Him to confine in. I don't know how much more I can hang on. Everything just seems so overwhelming lately. But through it all I will give Him the glory. I will praise Him even to my last breath.  

Thank you to all who've loved on me and who have supported me through everything. Your words, your prayers have been so awesome and have truly filled my heart. My prayer for you this week is that you reach out to anyone who seems down....seems to themselves...maybe it's the girl at PWOC or at church that seems to have it all together, but you are noticing things about her that don't seem right. Or maybe it's the quiet girl who seems disconnected, or maybe it's yourself. Maybe you have been struggling with something that most people don't know about. I'll be praying that God gives you the wisdom and discernment to see people without their "masks" on. And maybe a kind word or smile or small gesture can really change things around them. Love to you all and Mahalo.

Friday, January 27, 2012

I Just Can't Get Enough...Oh and Weign-in Results!

And here it is folks.... -2.9lbs PRAISE THE LORD!!! Last week was a really off week for me and I wasn't sure at some point if I was going to recover. I really doubted myself, but I am so thankful that the Lord really provided the encouragement last week and this week. He reminded me that this isn't just for me, It's for HIM. I've completely allowed some horrible things in my body. And it's something that I am not proud of. I've allowed the enemy to really attack me and made me believe I could never  finish or complete something, but now I am on Week 8. Even though I am a week behind, I am still going to finish it and not give up. I want this. I can't get enough of it. The rush of running, the feeling I get went I come back, the feeling I get when the rain is hitting my face, the feeling I get when I'm so tired, but the Lord whispers to me..."Don't give up." I'm going to honor Him through this journey...through everything. Because He's worthy of it all. I am so thrilled to share the joys and trials of this journey with you and we are just at the beginning. 

Week 8 begins with a 5 minute walking warm-up and than a 28 minute run and than a 5 minute cool down
Day 2-5 minute warm up
          29 minute run
           5 minute cool down

Day 3- LAST RUN!!!
            5 minute warm up
          30 minute run
            5 minute cool down

I just love this program. Because the beginning of it, I was running intervals measured in seconds and now I am running close to 30 minutes straight...A HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT for me! And like I stated in one of my post I'll be starting the Bridge to 10K after this 5K is complete. I'm so excited about this. 

As I close I just prayer that whatever you are facing today, you don't have to go at it alone. There is someone who cares so deeply about you that our human minds can't comprehend it. I pray that He provides for your every need and He will. Blessings to you all this week. I'll write more on Friday of next you all and mahalo!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Blah Blah Blah

It has most definitely been one of those weeks. Especially last week. Recovery....SUCKS! I started school last week and had a few early mornings and with trying to balance school, exercise, life-changing habit...I bombed and did I mention I got sick during the weekend? Yea...which only allowed me to run one day last week which was Friday. 

This week on the other hand is starting out alright. I ran Day 2 of Week 7 on Tuesday and actually made a new achievement of mine...12:51/mile. Which is the lowest I've ever gotten especially with running 26 minutes straight. My distance it still needs some work...only 2.64, but we are getting there. 

Weight Watchers has been going well. Since last week I've been struggling with tracking, but picked right up on Monday and now, I'm praying that this week will let me lose at least a 1LB. Prayers would be great.

My ultimate goal overall is just to be healthy. As many of you know Chris and I have been trying to have a baby for some time and it's just not quite working out. I know in God's perfect time we will be parents someday, but as of now, I really want to be healthy for that future baby. I want to be the best mom, the best role model that I can be. And that is all I want. To be a good example of God's servant. 

Friday is my big weigh in day...yippers! I'll update more than. Tschuss and mahalo!

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Weigh In...

The results...+1.4 lbs. Yes, I've gained this week. But all in all, I'm okay with that. I know where I went wrong and what I need to do. My goal for each week is to have lost a pound and I am right on track with that. I'm still -4.4 lbs. So, it's all good.

This week was a bad week for me. Especially with starting school and trying to wake up at 5Am to get some quiet time in for the day. I completely just felt drained. So, now I am going to have to reschedule things and really find a time that works best with the school schedule. I haven't even ran this week...YIKES I KNOW. I'm only two weeks away from completely the program, but tonight, tomorrow night, and Sunday night is when I will complete Week 7. I normally try to run on Tues, Thurs and Saturday evenings, but I've been exhausted with school that I've slacked off a bit. Promise I will get back into the swing of things. 

I've had some true clarity last night. I am going to get checked out in Feb. about taking some medications to help with my anxiety/depression issues. It's been an ongoing battle from when I was little. Praise the Lord that I found a doctor who is a Christian and that I can meet up with and explain everything to him. So, I am pretty excited about that. I'm asking all of you to please be in prayer about this for me. It would mean a lot to me. 

Also, to everyone out there. My lovely soldier boy will be completely a 10K and I'll be completely my first 5K in March for a charity event. I am so stoked! I know many of you are on this journey as well. 2012 is a year that we take and embrace the many blessings God has given us...and to take our health back! That is an awesome gift from truly is. I am blessed to have all of you read this and share prayers as well as encouragements. I'm so thankful! My prayer for you all this week is that you stay motivated/dedicated and that even if you have a slight setback or a big setback...DON'T GIVE UP. You CAN and WILL get there. Blessings to you all...MAHALO!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

No Excuses

I've been running for about 6 weeks now. I am about to head into week 7 which leaves me with one more week left until I am done with C25K. I've already purchased the app to Bridge to 10K which is a 6 week program to run 6.2 miles. I am stoked! Through this journey so far i've learned that you can't make excuses. If you want something bad enough you will do it. I want to lose weight and I want to be a runner. I find great joy in it. It helps me clear my mind. The battle is within. I've always had such a horrible body image. . One day though.  want to change that. I want to look in the mirror and know that nothing can stop me. That I can do anything (only with God's strength.) I know that I can. It's definitely been quite a 6 weeks as I've learned that conditions can't stop me and that I'm the only person who will make me run. I don't expect to be a Olympic Gold Medalist or anything like that, but small goals work best and one day I can proudly run a 26.2. My goals for this year. 

  • Lose 20lbs by June
  • Run a 5K in July
  • Run a 1/2 Marathon in Dec.
  • Lose a total of 50lbs by Dec.

I know that I can. It's about believing. It's about pushing yourself. It's about just grabbing it by the horns and doing it. Nobody can stop you but yourself. 

Thank you all for your encouragement, your prayers, and just reading this blog. I am so inspired by all that go out there and just do it. Thank you Lord for everything. Until Friday....MAHALO!!!


Friday, January 13, 2012

It Took More Than a Day to Put It On. It Will Take More Than a Day to Take It Off.

My weigh in results... -2.4lbs. I am so thankful! PTL! (Praise the Lord) because it's a military thing...acronyms. Gotta love 'em!

I was browsing this website because a friend of mine posted on your FB wall a picture of a girl running in cold weather conditions. So, I browsed a few more posters on there site. If you need more inspiration please head to they have some empowering posters.

Anywho...back to the topic. I saw this and thought how true. I know most expect a dramatic weight lost right away. Don't we all? I mean if I can find a product or a workout that allows me to drop a hundred pounds in one week I'd do it. But a friend of mine who went on this weight-loss journey a few years back really inspired me and really just told it how it is. IT'S A LIFESTYLE CHANGE. After thinking about it, it truly is. What I love about WW is the fact that it teaches me portion control and helps me visually see the choices I make and how they effect me. I want this weight-loss so bad. The poster reminds me that it's going to be a process...a lifestyle change. It took years to put it on and it's going to be a while until I get to that goal weight, but I'm okay with that.

 But I also want to make sure I line it up with how great my God is. God has really shown me what I can do if I put Him first. It's HIS strength that pushes me to run longer, to go out there despite weather conditions and run. It's HIS grace that shows me that I can do everything through Him. When the days I don't feel like it, He reminds me with a yes, you can. I am just so thankful.

Also a huge thank you to all of you who read this and have posted on FB encouraging words and have prayed for me on this journey...THANK YOU! It truly means the world to me. I know those prayers are working!

Words of encouragement for those who are also on this journey....Don't give up. It's a process...just know you are stronger than you think you are. Prayers to you all this week. Whatever you are facing may our Lord provide that peace, strength,and word to encourage you through your journey. MAHALO!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

A New Found Fire

Today I've decided I will be writing to you all on Sundays (more like Mondays) and Fridays; which is my weigh-in day. The reason is sometimes I just don't know what to write about. Haha, and also so I can give you all an update on how I am doing.

Again many thanks to all of you who read this and who have prayed for me and continue to pray for me on this wonderful path that God is leading me on. I'm so thankful!

This week is Week 6 of Ease to 5K. I'll be experiencing my first full 20 minutes of running this Thursday. Tomorrow (Tuesday) I'll be running two intervals of 9 minutes and a 3 minute walk in between. My main and foremost important focus is that I give the Lord the glory and praise in helping me through this path. And second that I can consistently run without stopping for a decent period of time. Though my time may be a bit high, but that's okay. I want to be able to count the mileage and than maybe start on some core/endurance workouts down the road. If you don't know yet, I've decided not to run the Country Music Marathon this April. I personally felt it was way too soon for me to try it out. I want to be able to do well. So, there is a marathon coming up in Dec. for the St. Jude's Children Hospital in Memphis. My hubby and I have decided that it would be an awesome time for us to do it. It will be close to the year mark of me running and hopefully by that time I've gotten close to my weight loss goal. YAY!

I know you are wondering well what program are you going to start after the 5k program...well, my lovely friends, I'm going to be starting the Bridge to the 10K which is a 6 week program and after that...the Hal Hidgons program which is 12 weeks of training for the 1/2. I'm super excited and up for the challenge.

This new found fire in me is totally the Lord. Have you ever felt that this is where you are suppose to be? This is where God wants me to be. This year is different from the rest. Whatever God has in store for us is huge and I'm so thankful for His love and mercy.

Wherever you are on your journey, know that God loves you. And His plan is AMAZING! I pray that all of you have a wonderful, blessed week. And that you feel encouraged. The hard part of any journey is the starting point....Mahalo!

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Weigh-in Results

I am pleased to announce that I lost 3.4 lbs. Praise the Lord! Seriously. I didn't expect to have lose that much this week. I'm just so utterly thankful for the encouragement, the strength, the wisdom and continue guidance that He is given me. And of course all of you who read this! Thanks for the prayers!

Today as I was driving home I realized that transitions in anyone's life is hard to comprehend. I think the fear of the unknown is a scary thing. I know often times especially on this journey I doubt myself whether or not I will keep working out or keep tracking my points on WW (Weight Watchers). But than God so graciously reminds me that I can't do it on my own...I'm going to need Him. Through everything in the past 3 years I've definitely overcome a lot dealing with being brand new to the Army world, to a husband who deployed for a year, to living in a different country. I've learned that things are just temporary. Nothing stays the same as much as sometimes we wish it could or we didn't. Life moves on whether we like it or not. It all depends on how we want to deal with it. Some take it and embrace life to the fullest, others stick to the past and long for something better. Either way at the end of the day; we all have to face whatever choices we've made. I guess my encouragement to everyone and myself included is that life goes on. Don't sweat the small stuff, love with all your heart even if it means  you will someday be hurt, and never ever give up, embrace this life that we have. Remember, things are temporary...

So, this transition  reminds me that no matter what obstacles I face on it; I can either push through it or sit back and let it past me. I'm choosing to push through. And I like it...

Prayers to you all today and always. I pray that God's overwhelming peace surrounds you and that whatever you may be facing today that you realize you don't have to do it on your own...Give it all to Him. He'll carry you through it. Blessings to  you all! Mahalo!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Runner's Pace/Praise

Is it normal not to have a title to a post? I feel I have a bit of a writer's block. I really don't know what to post today besides how my run went yesterday.

On a praiseworthy note...Thank you, Jesus! I FOUND A PACE! It felt great last night. I ran 2.28 miles and yes, my run time went up about 30 seconds more, but right now my main focus is to be able to run the whole 3 miles without stopping. If you aren't familiar with C25K it's a program that gradually gets you to run 3 miles in or within 30 minutes. My running intervals this week include this

Day 2 Week 5
*5 minutes walking warm-up
* Run 6 minutes
*Walk 1 minute
*Run 4 minutes
*Walk 1 minute
*Run 6 minutes
*5 minutes walking cool-down

And lucky for me I start this tomorrow. Tonight is a 15 minute ab workout. I've been researching online and most websites including runner's world say having a strong core helps with running. So, I have downloaded the Nike App that targets certain areas for 15 minutes. I'm pretty stoked.

I am still going strong with Weight Watchers. I do my weigh in this Friday. Please continue to pray for strength in each of these areas for me. I want to be sure to give God all the glory because without His wisdom, strength, encouragement this weight-loss and running will be harder than it already is.

 I am completely thankful for all of you who take the time to read this and comment when you can. I know even when you don't comment or get a chance to read this that you are praying for me and it means the world to me. Thank you! 

I pray that this week finds you all well and that whatever goal you set out to do that you believe that you can accomplish it and I pray that God's word encourages you all. God Bless!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Believe it or not... you can...

"Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you're young enough, old enough, strong enough, and so on to accomplish everything you want to do. Don't let worn-out beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself."
-John Bingham, running speaker and writer 

Thought I would share this quote. It is a nice reminder. Continue to push myself to different levels. Taking each thought captive and surrendering it to Christ. It's going to help me through this journey. PTL!  

Be Encouraged! YOU CAN ROCK IT!

Monday, January 2, 2012

The thrill of obeying God in an audacious, culture, defying, seemingly irresponsible way. (Thanks Pastor Nick)

This past Sunday a very clear messaged was presented at church. Pastor Nick was preaching about his New Year's Resolutions for us. He made a valid point of saying he really wanted God to challenge us throughout this year. I was so blessed by this message just because today I was given the opportunity to take a job or not. The past few months I've been worried about finances and we are fine on one income compare to most. And I feel the Lord just saying "Trust me." He's going to provide in a mighty way. Society tells me to accept this job. Society tells me to store away things first, but that's exactly the opposite of what God wants me to do. The biblical pattern as Pastor Nick was preaching is Give, Save, Live. I've been so focused on my own happiness and haven't even stopped to realize what does God want me to do with the blessings He has given me? How can I give back?  

I love Compassion Ministries. This program helps needy families throughout the world. Chris and I have chosen to sponsor a family from Thailand. It only made sense because of my mom being from there it just was fitting. People are probably going to read this and this I'm so crazy, but oh well. Crazy I am. I'm letting God move in me in a mighty way. Through my workouts, through my weight loss, through everything. In everything I want to give Him the glory because it is His strength, His wisdom, His being that allows me to do the things here on this earth. I can't do them on my own. I'm going to need Him. I pray that each of you who reads this takes a moment to count the blessings you have. Look around and realize there is so much more than earthly things. There is a hope that can help you through the day. Even when the rain falls which it does, know you are not alone. That's amazing to think about.

Tomorrow is Week 5 Day 1 of C25K. Here we go....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

So, what are you waiting for?

Just came back from my run! PTL! It felt awesome! My walking time when down and my running stayed about the same as well as the distance. So, now I know I have found a pace where I can consistently run at. Hopefully by April I will be prepared to run the 1/2 but I guess at this point its run the 1/2 or bust. I don't really have a choice. This is ultimately a goal I really want to achieve as well as losing the weight throughout the year.

This year has just started...I have about 365 days left to achieve my goal. My ultimate weight loss goal is to be at 135lbs by Dec. 31st. Is it possible...yes. Will there be betcha. What do I have to lose? Nothing. I know God is pulling me closer to Him each day. Every run, He's giving me the wisdom, strength, guidance, and encouragement. His Word is the food that I need to overcome anything that this year has for me. I'm going to keep trusting in Him and keep seeking Him. 

"When you take that first step...know he won't let you go." - Britt Nichole

So, walk on.....What are you waiting for?